Год публикации: 2010 Arkhipov V. A. Development of Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea Region. Part II. Russian-Greek Relations in Recent Years. Interaction of Russia and Greece within the Framework of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation OrganizationНаучно-публицистическая монография [РНК ЧЭС, на англ. языке] / V. A. Arkhipov, A. A. Dagaev, R. A. Izmailov, Ye. N. Kuznetsov, K. A. Sklyarov, E. N. Yakovlev; under the general editorship of Prof. E. N. Yakovlev, Dr. of Economics– М.: Государственное научное учреждение «Экспертно-аналитический центр» Минобрнауки России, 2010. – 148 p. (ISBN 978-5-904670-07-8). This book describes the history, current situation and development prospects for the near future of the bilateral political and socio-economic relationships between the Russian Federation and the Hellenic Republic, including, among others, the interaction of these countries within the framework of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation with regard to consequences of the global financial crisis as well as the crisis situation in the Eurozone at the initial stage of which Greece was affected by financial crisis.
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